Thursday, August 16, 2012

The "Spirit" of cooking.

After watching countless episodes of a cooking reality show the missus declares that she needs an oven. Having no other choice but to watch the same show when it is running, in the name of spending quality family time, I too watch these shows. Having an insatiable sweet tooth, I enjoy the desserts section a lot. I especially enjoy those dishes cooked with wine or desserts with brandy.

Being the awakened consumers that we are, we decide to do some research on the types of ovens available in the market. As a first step we scorch the net for models, makes and feedbacks. Finally we short list one of them and decide to go for it that weekend. I was all excited about making 'that' dessert. So I convince the wife and finally get a bootle of fine wine, just in case.

The next weekend we search for our model in a couple of shops but to no avail. We decide to order it online in one of those famous 'You can get anything shipped' online stores. We reach home dog tired and she goes to sleep. I decide to surf the net for the famous  'You can get anything shipped' online store. I bump into a desserts website. Since I was tired I decide to 'taste' some wine and get a good night's sleep.

Next morning we forgot all about our oven search and went about our weekday chores of appearing busy. Busy days lead to good night's sleep after sneeking into the kitchen cabinet for a round of wine tasting. By that Friday we decide we will get the oven that Saturday. Another fruitless search over the weekend and we decide not to buy the oven.

That day my wife decides to clean the kitchen closet and finds the empty bottle, which yours truly helped empty. We were again at square one, no oven, no wine. But the "spirit" of good cooking was not lost. It was decided that I stop watching cooking shows.

In my defence, what's the use of keeping the wine when we decide to not buy the oven anymore. Also wines don't ferment while in the bottle.

Disclaimer: The above story may or may not be true, but mostly true. It might or might not have happened to me. I might or might not have tasted the wine. All this may or may not be my imagination. All in all you should or should not believe anything written here over a period of time. 


Kit said...

I new where the story was going as soon as I read 'just in case'. You know I speak from experience that a wine that is just tasted soon gets emptied!

Kim said...

I still find that wine tasting story of the study leave days funnier :)
Just laughed thinking of that incident now.