Saturday, April 28, 2007


This is the question that haunts a man all his life. It gets even worse when he doesn't get an answer. This question grips U from the time of your birth. You are still in its its grip when you are in your death bed.

The questions that follow "why" differ depending on your age. The question of an infant could be Why is this person carrying me all the time? Why is nobody else carried? Why are all surrounding me this way, haven't they seen a person sleep before?
Why do i have to cry everytime i an hungry? Why is this person trying to clean me up? I dont need a bath. Why is she talking to me in that alien language?
Simultaneously the answers will be rolling in your parents minds again with a WHY. Why does this child cry when I put him ? Why cant he shutup if there is no one around him? Why cant he keep quite is he is not carried? Why is he not yet crying... he should have been hungry by now? Where on earth does he get himself this dirty? Why is he not telling "MOM", I have been trying to teach him this for a month now?

But as you grow your area of questioning changes. Mon Why do you always make the same curry for dinner? Why cant you finish my homework while i paly out? Why cant I watch TV all night as dad odes it? And of course Calvins classic Why does the sky become red when the sun sets? these questions are natural. Its good as you get to know the way to live.

Then your quarter life crisis hits. This is when you badly search for answers. And ofcourse fail miserably. Why doesn't she look at me? Why doesn't she return my smile? Why are all behind the girl I am? etc etc. but what is still haunting me is....

Why doesn't anyone... I mean anyone tell me I love You. I have tried all the desperate means. Though i know many people who love me, they never tell me I love you when I badly need it. I try all desperate measures to get one. I bump home and announce Hi dad, Love you..... Why doesn't he reply back, love you too son. i message my best friend, love you... why does she start off. "oh manju, this is so nice. I never thought you would still love me after our last fight". I mail Jason "hey Jason etc etc etc .... love U buddy" why does he reply back "thanks and regards, jason" Come on... somebody tell me I love You....

Still my question is why do i go to such drastic measures for an I love U.... like announcing it, messaging it, BLOGGING IT? Why?

by the way there is a comments section if you wanna write something......


Kim said...

Now i think I am near an answer

Tabassum said...

hey dost, love you yaar!!

Kit said...

Why doesn't anyone tell you "I love you"? You have answered that question in your blog entry 'love'. "For fear of embarrassing you, or themselves, they might have hesitated to say the actual words 'I love you..' So we try to communicate the idea in other words..."
I'm sure Jason is also trying to communicate the idea in other words like 'Thanks and Regards'